
06 - Set Up an OSRM Server on Ubuntu 16

date_range 13/06/2019

The Open Source Routing Machine or OSRM is a C++ implementation of a high-performance routing engine for shortest paths in road networks. Licensed under the permissive 2-clause BSD license, OSRM is a free network service hosting the following services: nearest, route, table, match, trip, tile.

We will see in this post how to deploy your own OSRM service in case you want to use it on your own data or just to not be limited by the number requests with responses like: {'message': 'Too Many Requests'}.

05 - Using data from a database

date_range 14/12/2018

For those comfortable with SQL, it may be relevant to first import the dataset into a database to conduct a first phase of exploratory data analysis and manipulation.

Once this first phase is done, Python will be used in a second phase to continue the analysis and data exploitation and data rendering activities.

04 - Jupyter and magic commands

date_range 11/12/2018

Jupyter has a system of so-called « magic » commands with a minimalist and extensible control language.

02 - Some Python libraries to consider

date_range 11/12/2018

  • Ipyleaflet
  • Major Python libraries for data visualization
    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
    • Bokeh
  • OSMnx - Road Network Analysis

01 - Python installation

date_range 11/12/2018

The easiest way to install Python and Jupyter Notebook is probably with Anaconda.

Anaconda is a free and open source ditribution of Python and R programming languages particularly oriented for applications in data science. One of the major assets of Anaconda is its simplification in the management of packages and their dependencies.